The Big Picture | $BTC Volatility Exploding Ahead of ETF Deadline w/ Kelly Greer from Galaxy

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January 6, 2024


In this episode of The Big Picture, Kelly Greer from Galaxy explains how the ETF deadline drives $BTC volatility. We also talk about recent market liquidations, gamma dynamics, and the overall state of the crypto market. With the ETF looming, you won't want to miss this one, so grab some coffee and settle in.


- Introduction
- Background and Role at Galaxy
- Charts and Market Analysis
- Impact of Liquidations on ETF Approval
- Retail Traders
- Volatility Skew
- Market Reset
- OI and Call to Put Ratio
- Option Strategies
- DeFi Traders
- DeFi OTC Trading
- Gamma Dynamics
- Long Dated Structures
- Gamma

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